2013 Nursing Excellence Awards: Nominations Now Open

As the nursing excellence awards ceremony in celebrated every year in different parts of the United States, and there has been nominations every year for choosing the best nurses. Therefore, the nomination for 2013 has also started in different states of the USA. The nomination form includes the first name of the candidate, their last name, nursing credentials, employer name, job designation, email address and contact number. It is essential that a nominator is a registered nurse, but they should not be a contestant for the award in the current year.


There are few criteria for the nomination such as:

Education and Mentorship: The registered nurse should be highly skills and possess at least 5 years of experience in nursing field in order to be the eligible candidate for the nursing excellence award.

Patient and Staff Management: It is important that they should be a good supervisor and should able to handle the administrative job as well.

Clinical Nursing, Inpatient: They should have a sound knowledge about the clinical aspects of nursing and training. They should also look after the improvement of patients care
Advancing and Leading the Profession: They should also look for the administration and research activity and should possess excellent analytical and leadership skills
Home, Community and Ambulatory Care: They should possess good experience of handling patient suffering from acute disease at their home and should be able to handle patients in long term care facilities, home hospice, etc.
Volunteerism and Service: A registered nurse should be a humble individuals so that they can provide nursing care to the patients in an effective manner.

In nut shell, nursing certification in America is a rewarding as well as challenging career and the scope of nursing is also widely spread. These awards provide enthusiasm to work for a longer period of time. Therefore, many candidate want move in this profession. Nursing aide certification and license is the mandatory requirement to apply for nursing jobs in the USA.

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